How long has it been
to recognise and reconcile,
my selves to a soul
and to decipher the ecstasy.
Since long I have been
escaping, avoiding and hide,
the truth, the core, the mind
then chosen to kept aside.
Forgotten was the power of light
it has wings to spread wide,
With the hope it shines
and promises silently to keep me uptight.
Being kind, being humane
where being in conflict was not my game,
With the hollow-eyed experiences I gained
in pieces, yet I hope again.
I have seen black and white
have seen dark and light,
have discovered the truth as grey
with mild storm at bay.
With smile in pain
now I close my eyes and drain,
My mind cleared when it rained
like drops I remained and the soul evaporate..and the soul evaporate…!