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The Magical Cave

Writer: priyashipriyashi

“With a bunch of friends I joined one of the martial art camps, which were organised on a monthly basis, under the guidance of the renowned Shaolin warier monk. This time it was held on one of the islands of Maldives. The mythological story of the island goes with the rumours of a magical cave where the Goddess resides.

Fortunately, our guide informed that it is not just a rumour, instead the cave is truly magical and legendary in its own ways. We accepted our present opportunity and decided to visit that cave. The cave was considered to be a holy place, and is opened with the help of a Mantra. Entering into it, we found the blessed stone through which the Goddess arrives, and takes away the spirit of that human who devotes its soul to the Goddess.

Hearing this story changed something in me. Something I was unaware of. But since we came back from the cave, I had an unusual feeling about myself. While preparing ourselves for getting started with the training part, I just wanted to flow in the moment and be with just my self. I closed my eyes, with motion i meditated and it took a form of dance which I lived as of those moments.

After I opened my eyes, I saw one of my friends in tears. She had the realisation of her deepest truth, from which she was escaping so far. And this was a hint for me, this was time to be the eye witness of that power which is bigger than all. I mentioned to my another friend to inform my family members and my partner about how much I love them and left.

I walked back into that magical cave & this time it opened without any Mantra. As if, I was supposed to be there in that moment.

I entered the cave, walked through and found the stone of Goddess. While closing my eyes I wished to be taken away, I prayed with all my devotion to leave my body and just be the spirit in my truest form. The stone of Goddess shined bright and brighter, I was witnessing the power I have never met before. And with steps I walked in to that light….I walked into that light…. “


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