I grew up learning that
No matter how hard you fall flat
You got to stand still
Continue with stronger will
As every moment passes by
Adds new lessons sometimes wild
So I never gave up on hope
I smiled in order to cope
I wished to just flow
And spread smiles with some hope
No wonder how you broke
hid the pieces with the cloak
To hold the world around
‘Coz that’s when you confound
There’s a child inside
Who doesn’t want to die
Unknown to the knowns
like the locker of the Davy Jones
One day life will be pride
Listening to this inner voice
And the dreams it once shared
Fictional, but back then i didn’t care
The dream of living love
Diving high as two doves
Holding hands with flying wings
Resting and fighting beings
Creating new lives
Binging to play kites
Growing old with pitfalls
Yet rising above towards the stars
Building home, our little spot
Within the woods at hill-top
Grazing the little calves
And playing with our dogs
Teaching a bunch of kids
Of the near village called mids
Watching the dusk and dawn
Dancing and singing loud
But darling what I have been
Grown up dreaming
Has caused me a big fall
And i don’t see how to let go this long haul
The wounds are deep and scars
Are open to dust and flaws
So I try to spread smiles
With a little hope to hung by
To the people close to me
I came back smarter they believe
To stay alert I don’t calm
At the face of truth I am alarmed
The dream has turned its back
And has been the trojan attack
I don’t see the sunrise
Just left with emotions deep inside
I try to quiet them
Kill or silent them
And be less than a human
To protect self from demon
Mind open but heart closed
Words playing but feelings shorn
I grew up learning that
No matter how hard you fall flat
You got to stand still
Continue with stronger will
As every moment passes by
Adds new lessons sometimes wild
But I don’t know if it’s the time
To give up hope and let feelings die
So I smile for another mile..
Take one step at a time and one step at a time yet another at a time..