In life at times, we realise there is still some remains of past
Which were supposed to be dead by now
Which were expected to had been vanished by now
But here the past suffocates the present
As those memories remain
With facts
With faces
With feelings
With facets
Which were relinquished consciously once
Are now flooding as experiences of unconscious
We often wonder how it reached so long
How it survived beneath even after being buried without moan
We the humans claim for the being
Even when we fail to acknowledge the iota of difference
Within living and leaving – when mindfully spoken
these become Live(be)ing and Leave(be)ing
Stupid humans are a weird species
Distant by the emotions we strive for humanity
Hopefully when the space will sink
the moan will rise above from the buried
The emotions will turn into tides
And meet the seashores as human’s eyes
Because now is the time to rediscover the selves
Let the emotions become our expressions and humanity drives our intentions.